
Aquila aims to help churches across the United Kingdom to find and make a home in their community.

Aquila has successfully completed three projects are in Scotland. Several projects are under discussion and evaluation with churches on both sides of the border following encouragement from supporters to extend the charity’s activities into England and Wales.

Completed projects are marked by a blue pin; projects in progress are yellow. To read their stories, follow the links in the map pins, or click on the articles below.

Latest news

3rd March 2025

  • On 27 February 2025 Aquila was delighted to complete the purchase of the former Stobswell Church in Dundee to provide a “home of their own” for Grace Church Dundee – more information below.
  • One month earlier, Redeemer Church Edinburgh completed the re-purchase from Aquila of their church building (well ahead of the scheduled date) which releases funds for other similar projects – more information below. This is the first successful example of the “recycling” of proceeds from one church transaction to help find a home for another church.
  • With the support of friends and patrons in both the United Kingdom and the United States, Aquila is discussing projects with several churches in England.

Project updates