
Meet our present trustees.

Blake Schwarz (US)

After graduation Blake undertook postgraduate and doctoral study in theology. He and his family live in Dallas where he founded Central Commons to help churches “reimagine how to use real estate”. He is now actively involved with similar projects in Dallas itself, Paris and Nagoya (Japan) to assist church planters “find a home”.

Blake Sullivan (US)

Blake is a forestry investor and broker based in Macon, Georgia (USA). He has an impressive track record of public service in the not-for-profit sector and is an elder of First Presbyterian Church Macon where he is an active Sunday School teacher. Blake is married with two children and two grandchildren. He has a special interest in church planting and growth in the UK.

David Laing (UK)

David is a retired solicitor having practised in the area of corporate, commercial and energy law. He is chairman of Blythswood Care and The Faith Mission, a trustee of Tyndale House Cambridge, and a former chairman of The Scottish Bible Society. He is an elder at Chalmers Church Edinburgh, married with two daughters and two grandchildren.

David Vardy (UK)

David Vardy has been involved with a large number of Christian charities over many years. He is a former chairman of Stewardship, IVP and Blythswood Care. David is passionate about seeing the church in Scotland strengthened through the teaching of the Bible and the raising up of local congregations committed to the faithful exposition of The Word of God and he currently provides support to a number of initiatives committed to this objective.

Derek Nash (UK)

Derek is a partner in a Scottish law firm and specialises in commercial property matters. He has attended Charlotte Chapel for many years and is involved in a number of ministry areas with a focus on outreach. He and his wife Anne have two adult children. Derek enjoys golf and tennis.

Donald Campbell (UK)

Donald is a Private Client Tax Adviser having worked in professional practice for over 30 years. He is involved with three Christian charities either as trustee or adviser and is an elder at St Columba’s Free Church Edinburgh. He is married to Gillian and they have two daughters.

Douglas Hutchens (UK)

Douglas is a retired NHS Director who has held various public sector non-executive positions. He sits on UK and Scottish Tribunals and is a Trustee of Gateway homeless charity. He is a member of Tornagrain Community Church and has previously led the development of two new churches. He is married to Karen and has one son and a granddaughter.

Stephen Percival (UK)

Stephen is a Chief Financial Officer in the insurance sector and has had a wide range of executive and board experience. He attends Chalmers Church in Edinburgh where he is actively involved. Stephen is married to Claire and they have two daughters.